​​For the first 24 hours you may experience some cold and heat sensitivity.
Do not consume hot foods or beverages until the anesthesia and numbness have worn off.
Avoid vigorous physical exercise as well as extremely hot or spicy foods for the first 24 hours.
Do not consume alcoholic beverages or smoke for at least 48 hours following treatment.
Some bleeding following a deep cleaning is normal, but if you experience excessive bleeding, please call our office.
You can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen as needed according to the instructions on the label or those provided by your doctor.
A warm salt water rinse, approximately one teaspoon in an eight ounce glass of water, three times a day can be helpful.
Brush and floss gently following a deep cleaning, resuming normal brushing and flossing when the soreness is gone.
Follow any other instructions provided by our office during your visit.
Please take all medications as prescribed.